Saturday, November 29, 2014

New Thanksgivings Stuff 11-29

Happy Black Friday and Thanksgiving here are a few items to track down

New Stuff 11-29

Friday, November 14, 2014

New Beta Site online

After an extensive rewrite of the site I'm proud to show it off to plus membership subscribers.  It is much cleaner design and has much improved engine running it.  All the same data is there just new stylized look that hopefully everyone like.

Check it out now you may use either site  Your login is now your email originally signed up with and your password is the same.
  Please report any bugs or any improvements to the site.
  There are still some features in production that will be rolled out in the coming days.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

New Stuff 11-09

Just a few new items this month been pretty slim pickings

New Stuff 11-09